The aim of the uniform is a neat, well-groomed appearance which fosters pride in the school and in the student. The uniform regulations must be adhered to with the correct school uniform being worn at all times.
- Plain white collared shirt with sleeve above elbow.
- Regulation GisInt navy shorts, above the knee.
Track Pants
- Regulation GisInt plain navy (without stripes/bands).
- All covered shoes worn to school but be completely black school shoes (below the ankle – no high tops); or
- Plain black sandals, worn correctly with backstrap
and no straps above ankle. No socks with sandals.
Jandals, slides or Crocs are NOT permitted.
- GisInt regulation socks or short navy blue socks.
- Regulation navy sweatshirt (optional).
- Regulation GisInt jacket (optional).
Thermals/Long Sleeves
- If you are wearing these items, they must be under your regulation school uniform and not visible.
PE uniform
PE Shirt
- Regulation GisInt shirt.
PE Shorts
- Plain black sports shorts above the knee (no stripes/ non-school logos).
- Swimming shorts (not below the knee) only are to be worn in the pool.
- Boys – no boxer shorts/underwear in the pool.
- Girls – full togs, no bikinis.
- Rash-vest and swimming shorts permitted as over-garments.
Other aspects of uniform
Jewellery (optional)
- Small plain studs may be worn. Sleepers optional for ears
only. A taonga may be worn inside the shirt. No other
jewellery permitted.
- Hair must be kept tidy at all times. Hair bands and hair ties must be plain black, white or navy.
Hats & Sunglasses
- Students are strongly encouraged to wear a sun hat and sunglasses when outside. Hats must be plain navy, dark blue, black or
white. - Plain navy blue or black beanies are permitted in Terms 2 and 3.
- Hats are to be worn the correct way around and removed when indoors.
No make-up or nail polish permitted.